Responsible Sourcing

Like our customers, we care about doing the right thing – not only here in New Zealand but everywhere we operate.  We take seriously our responsibility to maintain labour and environmental standards in our supply chain.

For 17 years we have had a comprehensive ethical sourcing programme in place to assess our supplier factories and ensure worker rights in regard to health & safety, working hours, wages and benefits are protected. We also actively monitor environmental standards in these factories.

Our aim is to ensure our customers have confidence that our products have been ethically sourced. We do this by focusing on the qualification of new factories, ongoing monitoring and training, and supporting joint industry programmes such as the Better Cotton Initiative and Forest Stewardship Council. 

We recognise that many women working in developing country supply chains have limited health knowledge and often lack access to critical health services and products.  This is particularly true in Bangladesh – an important source for our garment manufacture. To ensure that these women have the information and access to health services they need, we have partnered with HERproject – an initiative educating female workers through workplace-based programmes on feminine and family health, and financial literacy.

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